Toddlers’ World celebrates students’ birthday


JAMMU: School Birthday celebrations can be fun, academic beaming and leave your child with birthday blesses. These celebrations not only give the opportunity to kids to enjoy their special day in an extravagant way but also to enhance their social skills.
With this thought Toddlers’ World celebrated birthdays of children born in the months of August and September. The moment was very special and excited.
The party hall was decorated beautifully with balloons and buntings.
Children came along with parents in their best and favourite dresses. Their spirits were high and they were unable to control their excitement after meeting their friends.
The day started with melodious songs accompanied with rhythmic tunes that held everyone captured. To add more fun and colours to the celebration, some games were planned for both kids and parents.
As a part of celebration, cakes were cut and distributed. Birthday celebrations without a gift is boring, hence gifts were distributed among the kids.
Shivangani Pandotra (Coordinator Toddlers’ World) in her address expressed her views by saying that the main motto behind the celebration is to inculcate birthday party etiquettes in the kids and to enhance their social skills.
Gatherings like this could bring out kids innate innovative and some crucial points on the drawbacks of the liberty given by parents to kids.
She stressed on spending quality time with them teaching them what is good and bad as it is their tender age and science says seven years is the best age where basic behaviour of a child can be developed forever.

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