SVEEP programme at Tangtse 

Leh, May 5: A Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation  (SVEEP) programme was held today on May 5 at Community Hall, Tangtse. The State Nodal Officer, SVEEP, UT Ladakh, Dr Tsewang Morup, SVEEP state icon,…

General Observer visited 3 polling station

Leh, May 5: In preparation for the upcoming general election, General Observer for 01-Ladakh Parliamentary Constituency, BH Talati visited District Election Office,Leh to monitor the scrutiny of the nomination papers on May 4. After that…

General observer visits 5 polling booths

LEH, May 2: General Observer, G-23761, B H Talati visited five polling booths and randomly checked polling station buildings in 01-Ladakh Parliamentary Constituency along with Assistant Electoral Registration Officer (AERO),Kharu today on May 2. The…