Smartphones Stealing Childhood

Umar Afzal Dar In today’s digital age, smartphones have become ubiquitous and are an integral part of our lives. While they offer numerous benefits, there is growing concern among experts that smartphones are having a…

Understanding Narcissism

Dr Rohi Narcissists attempt to destroy your life with lies because they know theirs can be destroyed with the truth. Everyone, nowadays, is familiar with the term narcissism but its historical roots are less well…

Healthy aging

Dr M K Mam Aging or growing old is a normal phase of life through which we all leaving aside some unfortunate ones go through.As we age, certain changes in the body are inevitable. With…

Embrace life of gratitude

Dr Tej K Munshi Gratitude offers us a way of embracing all that makes our lives what they are. In the past two decades, a growing evidence in the field of social science has found…