Jammu And Kashmir | Heavy Snowfall Witnessed In Srinagar

Srinagar, Feb 4: Srinagar, a renowned tourist spot in Jammu and Kashmir, turns into a winter wonderland with heavy snowfall on Sunday. After a prolonged dry spell, the snow has brought a sense of hope and rejuvenation to the people who rely on it for various reasons.
A fresh snowfall in Srinagar has brought much-needed relief among the residents.
The snow is not only a beautiful sight to behold but also a crucial source of water.
One tourist, while sharing his experiences, said that, “It’s so beautiful, witnessing Kashmir after hearing so much about it. I ventured out today just to behold this view. With heavy snowfall, I hope it doesn’t get too cold. Initially, I was disappointed, thinking there might be no snow, but since the day before yesterday, it’s been wonderful. I hope such snowfall continues, benefiting farmers who were worried about horticulture and water issues, thinking their crops wouldn’t be good. After the snowfall, there’s hope that their crops will thrive.”
Also, according to the India Metrological Department, shallow fog is observed in Jammu and Kashmir. (Agencies)

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