Ladakh Admn expedites process of providing reservation benefits to ALC residents

Gives one-month to submit representations/affidavits

Bivek Mathur
JAMMU, May 6: Expediting the process of providing the benefits of reservation to all the people residing in the areas close to Actual Line of Control (ALC), the Union Territory Administration in Ladakh has asked the prospective claimants to submit their representations or affidavits detailing their claims within one month.

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These submissions can be made through any convenient method, including email, at the Commission’s headquarters, or at the offices of the Director of Social and Tribal Welfare Department in Leh and Kargil, or before the Additional Deputy Commissioner in Leh and Kargil.
This initiative (providing ALC reservation benefits) followed the Ladakh Administration’s decision to set up a one-man Commission led by Justice Bansi Lal Bhat, a former Judge of the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh, in October 2023.
The Commission so constituted was tasked with determining whether to extend reservations to residents of areas adjoining the ALC, ensuring recruitment standards and maintenance of administrative efficiency within the Union Territory of Ladakh.
The Commission was also mandated to define the criteria for identifying regions of Ladakh as “areas adjacent to the ALC” and to assess villages to consider for inclusion under this designation.
The Commission was further tasked with filing a report aimed at categorizing residents near the ALC for reservation benefits among other community groups, to the Union Territory Administration of Ladakh.
On January 5th, 2024, the Ladakh Administration modified the terms of the Commission by granting it a time of one year to make its recommendations final. It was further cleared that the Headquarters of the Commission would be based in Jammu, with scheduled visits to Leh and Kargil.
Now that the Commission has already begun operations from its Jammu office, the Administration has requested the residents living close to the Actual Line of Control (LAC) across the Union Territory of Ladakh and all other stakeholders to file their representations/affidavits providing particulars and specifying the basis of their claims for consideration for the purpose of reservation under the ALC category.
“Such representations/affidavits may be filed within one month through any convenient mode including email at the headquarters of the Commission or in the office of Director Social and Tribal Welfare Department, UT of Ladakh at Leh/Kargil or before Additional Deputy Commissioners, Leh/Kargil,” ordered Tsering Mutup, Director (retired) Additional Secretary to the Government.

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