Ayurveda and Development Disorders

Dr Sakshi Sharma
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder of unknown aetiology. The cardinal features of Autism are impairment of social interaction, communication and imagination, and restricted interests and repetitive behaviour. Childhood autism has its manifestations usually at around 18-24 months of age and is well established by 3 years of age. World Health Organization has estimated that worldwide 1 in 160 children has Autism Spectrum Disorders. Latest survey by Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network of Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest a 15% increase in prevalence that 1 in every 59 children are being identified with Autistic Spectrum Disorder in the United States and is about four times more common among boys than in girls. These statistics calls for the urgency of evaluating this condition in scientific backgrounds.
The exact cause of Autism is unknown. However, the various causes which are believed to contribute to the occurrence of Autism are Genetic factors, various environmental factors, perinatal brain injury, hormonal imbalance etc Excessive exposure to screen time may result in sensory overloading resulting in Autism. Abnormalities in brainstructure and function have also been recommended by neuro -radiological and neurochemical studies. But, the findings of various studies are conflicting and there is no diagnostic imaging or other tests specific for Autism.
In Ayurveda, The features of Autism are much similar to that of Unmada (disease of mind characterized by mental confusion etc.),. Due to various etiological factors, the conjunction between Atma (the self) and Manas (mind) is disrupted resulting in the vitiation of Manovaha Srotas (channels of consciousness). Along with this, the vitiation of three Doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) will end up in the manifestation of Unmada. Manovaha Sroto-Dushti together with Tridosha Dusti is the basic cause of Childhood Autism. Due to etiology of vitiation Dhee, Dhriti and Smriti that causes imbalance of vata and Kapha which results into improper contact of the senses with their objectives (Asatmendriyartha Samyoga) and give rise to inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.A systematic Ayurvedic treatment consisting primarily of Vata-Pittahara Chikitsa (treatment for pacifying Vata and Pitta) along with Deepana-Pachana (drugs for enhancing digestive power), Snehana-Swedana (oleation with lipophilic drugs and sudation therapies), Sroto-Sodhana (cleansing of channels which corrects the metabolism and does modulation of gut microbiome), Brumhana (nourishing treatments) and Medhya Rasayana (drugs for promoting intellectual and cognitive functions) and Pathya Karma (congenial diet and habits) should be considerable relief of the condition.
Attention deficit Hyperactivity disorder is a long lasting condition that starts from childhood and may continue to adulthood. The symptoms include lack of concentration, impulsivity, lack of self esteem, irritability,repetitive behavior, difficulty infocusing, forgetfulness, anger, anxiety.
In Ayurveda, ADHD is often attributed to imbalances in the Vata dosha, which is characterised by qualities such as movement, change, and variability. These qualities align with some of the hallmark symptoms of ADHD, such as hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. When Vata is imbalanced, it can lead to erratic behaviour and difficulties in concentration. This holistic approach underscores the interconnectedness of mental and physical well-being in Ayurvedic philosophy.
Due to Vata imbalance and pitta imbalance ADHD happens, so the primary focus of treatment is to correct the Vata & pitta dosha. Ayurvedic treatments work by treating the imbalanced level of Vata & pitta dosha that ultimately enhances the higher brain functions such as intelligence, concentration, learning or speaking ability.
Correction in Vata & pitta dosha normalises and improves brain functions. . These ayurvedic methods help to reduce the body heat and deliver the soothing or cooling effect in the brain.
Takradhara produces mental calmness by providing soothing effects to the marmas. Takradhara stimulates the marma points, which further improves the overall circulation of the brain.
Increase in circulation to hypothalamus also enhances the role of Autonomic Nervous System and creates the mental calmness. It also decreases the feeling of anger, pain, aggression, pleasure and behavioural patterns.
Thalapothichil is a specific procedure of application of medicated paste on the head. It supports the nervous system and has a calming influence on the mind, body and soul. It enhances the sleep quality and presents ease from the heaviness of the head. This therapy is efficient in improving the imbalanced digestive & metabolic activity of the child’s body. Thalapothichil also loosens and tranquilizes the mind and stabilizes the functioning of the central nervous system.
Nasya Karma
In Nasya karma, the combination of herbal medicated oils is administered to the child through the nose. Through nasal passageway, the medicated oil reaches the brain; it cleanses the various channels and improves the oxygenation. Nasya oil with medicated herbs that crumbles Vata, and were very effective for the treatment ADHD.
Shiro means head and Basti means container, this is a specific procedure to hold medicated oil on the head. It nourishes the brain and thereby improves intelligence. Shirobasti is an effective treatment in ADHD because it helps to balance the Vata and Kapha in the brain and maintains the balance between the brain and skull. But is not recommended in case of more behavioural issues children at the age of 2 to 5 years, because kids in those age may don’t have holding capacity.
Brain is the inverted root of the body nourishing to the brain increases the sensory perception. Vitiated vata and pita leads to many diseases and it also affects brain, nerves and sense organs by producing the inflammatory changes, since brain and nervous system controls the body, applying shirovasti helps smooth body function, and calms the brain. It soothes stressed and agitated mind.
Basti treatment – It helps to expel the Vitiated doshas from children’s bodies. In Basti treatment, the medicated liquids and oils are given through the anus, and this method is sufficient for discharging body toxins. It has an astonishing power to regulate and discharge Vata disorders. It produces soothing and calming effects on the brain and reduces the dancing, sharp or biting behaviour.

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