Nasal Bleeding in Summers

Dr Shweta Gogia

Dr Shweta Gogia

The season of summer is often associated with problem of nasal bleeding or epistaxis. This affects both the adults and the pediatric population equally. A number of factors are responsible for this condition such as dry air, less water intake, low humidity conditions and allergies. Apart from these factors dryness in nose leading to nose picking can lead to trauma to the sensitive area of nasal septum which cam cause bleeding from the nose and this can be recurrent. Use of air conditioning during summer season which reduces the moisture in atmosphere can also lead to dryness in nose and bleeding from the nose.
Bleeding from the nose causes a lot of concern to the patient and the caregivers or the parents. The sight of blood trickling from the nose can unnerve the person experiencing the same. However, in most of the cases the bleeding is self- limiting and after sometime settles on its own. Sometimes the bleeding from the nose may be more severe which does not stop on its own or happens at regular intervals. Such episodes warrant attention by a specialist to rule out serious causes.
There a numerous preventive measure that one can take to prevent the occurrence of such episodes. Drinking plenty of fluids especially in summers like water and fruit juices help in maintaining adequate hydration.This prevents dryness in the nose and crusting which is associated with bleeding. Also, application of some lubricating jelly in the most anterior part of the nose prevents crusting associated with the summer season. There are various humidifying sprays which are available over the counter which helps in keeping the nose moist. This is especially helpful for those who are exposed to hot weather conditions for long intervals andthose working in conditions where the temperatures are high. Also in case of children nose picking is a common habit. One must ensure that the child has good hand hygiene and also the finger nails are trimmed regularly so as to avoid trauma to the sensitive areas of the nose.
If somebody is having a nose bleed these simple steps can be taken to help the patient. First of all, the patient should never be made to lie down because then the blood trickles into the throat, instead ask the person to sit comfortably bent a little forward and pinch the nose while breathing through the mouth. This position should be held for at least five to six minutes as this is the normal clotting time. Most the nasal bleeds can be managed by this simple method. Avoid taking hot liquids and instead take cold liquids or sucking in a piece of ice will reduce the bleeding. In case, the bleeding continues then the patient needs medical care.
If the person experiencing nasal bleeding is taking medications which prevent clotting or has high blood pressure or has liver disease then nasal bleed can be more troublesome and severe. They should be immediately taken to the nearest medical center for management. The nasal bleed may require medicated packs to be placed in the nose or it can be managed by a specialist who can identify the bleeding site and cauterize the area.
(The author is Senior Consultant, ENT Sir Ganga Ram Hospital)

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