Kargil Conflict Full of Lessons for the Nation

We, the people of India, celebrate Kargil Vijay Divas on 26 Jul every year to commemorate the victory over Pakistan in the Kargil war of 1999 and the nation pays most deserved homage to war heroes who attained martyrdom during this unprecedented high altitude conflict launched by Pakistan through infiltrators for gaining international attention on Kashmir issue. Started on 03 May 99, when some local shepherds reported to Indian Army about the deceptive intrusion by Pakistani Army personnel on hill tops in Kargil area of then State of Jammu and Kashmir. Indian Army cleared these posts from the enemy and recaptured all affected posts from enemy infiltrators/soldiers by fighting unprecedented war against Pakistan till 26 Jul 1999. This conflict/war fought decisively at high altitude by Indian Army not only proved her might in launching fiercest attacks in the annals of military history but taught us some valuable lessons.
From Kargil of 1999 to Balakot of 2019, there are number of strategic moves to convey intent of the Indian Government both diplomatically and militarily to our aggressor to refrain from such misadventures in future. At the same time, it has been seriously dwelled to draw cohesive National Security Policy to meet strategic and tactical surprises like Kargil in future as the war may not be preventable and predictable whatever effort there may be to prevent it. However, the Kargil conflict highlighted few gross inadequacies in all-weather surveillance capability. With the advancement of technology in the field of satellite and aerial imagery, unmanned aerial vehilces, hand held thermal imagers, radars and sensors; it could help military leadership to aptly revise the joint doctrine for enhancing all weather surveillance capability.
The Kargil war also indicated for holistic National Security Review and higher defense management. The issue was appropriately studied by a group of Ministers and based on their recommendations and subsequent studies, efforts have been made to improve higher defence management and as such Chief of the Defence Staff has been established to provide single point military advice to the government for ironing out substantive inter service doctrinal, planning, policy and tactical issues. It is also in the right earnest to highlight that strong, competent and committed political leadership can bring about improvements in the security policies, Higher Defence Control Organisation and associated systems including rules of business.
Military leadership also felt that holdings and reserves of weapons, ammunition and equipment were affected due to inadequate budgetary support for quite some time, procurement procedures and creation of additional forces without due sanctions needed immediate political support during Kargil war. It therefore calls for a periodical review of military inventory vis-à-vis modernization of Armed forces to achieve desired combat capability, revolution in military affairs, information system and net centric warfare.
It is an accepted fact that successful outcome of the border war depends primarily upon our ability to react rapidly. The new strategic environment calls for quick decision making, versatile combat organizations, tactically sound deployment and synergy amongst all elements particularly of three services. A conventional war may possibly remain limited owing to credible deterrence and dominance for escalation. Such credible deterrence will also provide scope for diplomatic maneuvers. In the instant case of Kargil Conflict, aggressive forces were positioned at high altitude posts and to attain such credible deterrence was not an easy task. However, Indian Military elements could exploit their capability for successful retreat of aggressive forces from these high altitude inhospitable posts.
Another important lesson learnt out of Kargil Imbroglio is that the essential requirements of national security should not be compromised. No doubt, at international politics the policy of mutual friendship and cooperation with neighboring country has to be balanced with vigilance. Underestimating the capacity of the belligerent neighbor can hurt national security and therefore needs a constant guard against any such future misadventures. Synergic utilization of all defence resources during any combat action helps in achieving total superiority over aggressive forces and Indian Army fought Kargil war decisively to emerge victorious.
Indian victory in Kargil was not without sacrifices. More than five hundred courageous soldiers made the supreme sacrifice in their unwavering dedication to protect the nation and uphold its integrity. These brave hearts prioritized their country and its values above their own lives and it was their selflessness that ultimately brought us to victory. The Kargil Vijay Divas is the day to remember and salute the ultimate sacrifice made by our brave heroes of the nation. Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.

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