Porters Unsung Heroes of Himalayas

Col Paramjit Singh
A porter in simple terminology is not an unimportant and nonessential person, infact he is the most valuable, important and most essential element during operations. The contribution of porters during Kargil war victory is worth mentioning their unique services.

A porter in real sense is a true nationalist to the core. This is the reason he volunteers to come forward and to join duties as a porter. Many dare not , enter into this kind of agreement with the army as simple. When they join , they perform their duties diligently and without any regard to their personal safety and in a most sincere and disciplined manner. For whom . For their motherland. That’s the beauty of their being so good and true patriotic.
Though not a combat soldier, the porters are disciplined and well trained manpower where civilian labour is either not available or its employment is not desirable for reasons of security.
Since 1758 onwards, the pioneers in the form of porters are at work. Their role is to provide support, logistics support, and carry out construction and maintenance like tasks as assigned . Their motto is SHRAM SARVA VIJAYEE( with labor everything can be won). Their services were utilized in WW-I, WW-ll, and various other operations or wars like indo – pak wars down the line.
Primarily in kargil war -99 they were used for below mentioned type of duties:-
The porters provided continuous logistic support to the fighting forces on ground in the frontline without any regard to their personal safety in a most befitting professional manner and caring least about the shelling and life threatening situation. A marvelous feat these porters performed and equally well documented.
Also , they were used for loading, unloading and transporting vital stores and supplies to the frontline.
As we all are aware that regular supply (uninterrupted) of ammunition for guns, howtizer mortars and even for small arms ammunition is quint- essential. The Porters carried out these kind of assigned duties flawlessly.
They were also utilized for Loading and unloading of stores, rations, equipment and ammunition. These porters performed extremely well.
They were also used for undertaking on spot or immediate construction of roads, tracks, bunkers, mule tracks, activation and maintenance of roads, mule tracks, bridges and helipads.
They were also employed in hospitals for assisting the nursing staff and acting as stretcher bearers with frontline troops.
Were utilized for carrying back the the dead bodies of soldiers, called Bravehearts and heroes, who made supreme sacrifices during Kargil War in the higher reaches of Kargil, Drass and Mushkoh.
Were utilized for bringing back the wounded from recaptured posts , entrenchments. A Herculean task they performed amidst heavy enemy shelling, which only a true nationalist like a true soldier can only perform.
The basic aim behind , in utilizing the porters is to make good fighting strength of soldiers available for fighting on the frontline against the enemy.
The services of porters are very necessary, where mechanical means of transportation or conveyance are impractical or impossible, such as in mountainous terrain. We all know that the terrain in Kargil is inhospitable and means of transport are not available other than the main roads. Even mules cannot be utilized. Therefore, in this area, we pressed them into service and they performed extremely well in a befitting manner. Period.
Braving constant shelling by the Pakistani side, hundreds of them carried supplies and ammunition to Indian troops during those two months of battle.
Indian Army organizes a special event every year and pays heartfelt tribute to unsung heroes who supported the soldiers in their courageous efforts during Kargil War fought between India and Pakistan in the year 1999. Also, porters of Kargil War are felicitated. The war showcased the indomitable spirit and unwavering dedication of Indian porters. We all must know that amidst treacherous terrains and extreme weather conditions, a group of exceptional individuals, the porters, emerged as lifeline of troops.
These selfless men hailing from the local communities of Kargil, risked their lives to transport essential supplies, ammunition and equipments to the frontline, demonstrating unmatched resilience and unwavering support to troops.
All porters employed during Kargil War contributed immensely to the Kargil War Victory . How ? These porters ensured round the clock uninterrupted supply of rations, ammunition and other war like stores to the frontline troops, amidst ongoing war and heavy enemy shelling, without any regard to their personal safety. With this kind of service by the porters, they ensured availability of maximum strength of frontline troops , which is very essential during actual operations. These porters bore the inclement weather ( harsh environmental conditions – vagaries of weather ) and rough inaccessible mountainous terrain. Despite all this , their performance in this critical time was worth the praise.
Army troops are called FRONTLINE TROOPS- FIRST LINE OF DEFENCE . The porters support frontline troops in many ways as enunciated above by ensuring maximum availability of fighting strength of troops on the frontline. Hence these porters ( non combatant civilians) could also be rightfully called the first line of defence TROOPS.
Their services will never be forgotten. They also acted as guides. They are our unsung heroes though. Every year teaches us two things that is no one is permanent and life has to move on. In case of the unfortunate death of a porter. His family is looked after by the Army. Two things are done straightaway. One is , porter’s family that is NOK ( next of kin ) is paid deserving compensation and his NOK is recruited ( employed ) in his place. Their stories of endurance, resilience and courage continue to inspire and remind us of the extraordinary human spirit that triumphs in face of adversity.

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