K K Bakshi
“In today’s fast paced world the competitive landscape is so intense that people are pouring their heart and soul just to stay in the game and the cut throat nature of competition in this environment demands unwavering dedication and sacrifice from those who aspire to succeed. Never-say-die attitude though commendable, can lead to burn out and exhaustion which may compromise their overall health and happiness. Young people in particular strain every nerve to attain what they have set their eyes upon. Hardwork they put in takes a huge toll on their physical and mental strength and they hardly get time to recuperate and restore the drained out energy. Responsibilties of job and family leave them vulnerable to restlessness and insomnia. What complicates the matters for them is the lack of quality sleep.
Sleep deprivation can impair the production of immune cells, making a man more susceptible to infections and illness. Recent medical surveys have found that long term sleep deprivation can lead to increased risk of chronic conditions like heart diseases, strokes, diabetes and obesity. Sleep plays a crucial role in regulating harmones like cortisol (stress harmone) and insulin (blood sugar regulation). Lack of sleep can disrupt these harmones leading to various health problems. It can also lead to alteration of a man’s metabolism that can contribute to weight gain and metabolic disorders. Poor sleep can increase blood pressure, strain the heart and lead to irregular heart rythms. Insomnia has psychological side effects too. Lack of sleep can significantly impact one’s ability to think clearly and can also badly affect one’s memory and learning ability. Further, it can lead to mental health conditions like depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. The idea to dilate upon the necessity of sleep is to bring home the deblitating effect on one’s health. It is pertinent to mention that work related stress and the day’s exertion resulting into a fatigued mind and body needs proper rest that can be ensured only when a man enjoys sound sleep. In order to cater to this requirement, sleep divorce a relatively new phenomenon, is drawing couples to it. It is a mutually agreed and consciously taken decision by the couples to make separate bedding arrangement so that sleep cycle of either of the spouse is not disturbed. A peaceful night’s sleep is essential for rejuvenation yet it often becomes elusive for couples due to various distubances. Snoring, sprawling limbs or unpleasant odours can disrupt sleep and lead to unmanageable exasperation. After a long day of demanding work the body craves for relaxation and the mind yearns for tranquility. Unfortunately lack of comfort and peace can hinder the much needed restful and uninterrupted sleep. To maintain proper equilibrium between sleeping hours and working schedule, couples are now resorting to newly found panacea called sleep divorce.
The term sleep divorce may sound unusual but it is a growing trend among modern day couples. This arrangement allows partners to prioritise their individual sleepness, often necessitated by demanding work schedules. By creating separate sleep spaces, couples can ensure they get the rest they require, leading to increased productivity and overall well-being.
However, while creating this unprecedented arrangement, partners must be mindfull of grave consequences of phubbing-a degital sickness that is eating up their time and emotional intimacy. To add zing to the relationship and to infuse new energy they must carve out space for healthy private interactions to make up for the loss of the connect they might suffer owing to the sleep divorce.
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