I t is heartening that the UT of Jammu and Kashmir got its first real- time air quality monitoring station which was recently inaugurated at the headquarters of the Jammu and Kashmir Pollution Control Committee at Rajbagh Srinagar. Two such stations were going to be established in Jammu region too in due course. It is learnt that the network of air quality monitoring shall be established in all district headquarters of Jammu and Kashmir. It may be noted that both the capital cities are already declared as polluted cities which however, had later been somewhat questioned also but the fact is that Srinagar remains comparatively polluted during winters and Jammu during peak summers and otherwise both are on borderline of pollution . Monitoring air quality ,therefore, and taking suitable corrective steps including wide awareness about the importance of quality air,was very much important . Trial run of two months of the sophisticated equipment laden station was all successful hence a go ahead for the real start.The station which was slated to have come up much earlier reportedly got delayed due to COVID-19 pandemic constraints but now duly set up would be giving real time air quality data of a particular area. Linked with a portal, air quality index has thus been made public which means a person sitting in any corner of the world could access the air quality of Srinagar city- an achievement thanks to the modern digital technology revolution.
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